
Bill Maher Calls Left-Wing Beliefs ‘Stupid’ At Elite Festival As Interviewer Squirms

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Comedian Bill Maher characterized many left-wing ideas as dumb at the Aspen Ideas Festival in a video published on Tuesday as journalist Tina Brown appeared to squirm.

Maher, during the interview with The Aspen Institute, criticized left-wing activists for promoting ideas like abolishing the police, tearing down statues of prominent American figures and allowing men to compete in women’s sports. The comedian suggested these kinds of ideas are what cause Americans to back former President Donald Trump, with Brown appearing uncomfortable and cutting Maher off when he was speaking. (RELATED: ‘Take This Hijab And Shove It’: Bill Maher Slams College Students For Ignoring Iran’s ‘War On Women’)


“Part of it the left has to own. They are aggressively anti-common sense,” Maher said. “The Democrats keep running on this one idea, saying to the American people, ‘You can’t possibly think you can do worse than Donald Trump.’ And they keep saying, ‘Yes, we can. Yes, we can.’ And I understand that. I do. I would never vote for Donald Trump, and as I said, I think the Republicans are worse, but yeah … it’s funny when I talk to, you know, my friends around my age, 40, and they are always bitching to me about their kids who are like in their 20’s, and they’re like super uber woke, and they’re driving their parents crazy, and everything is like, ‘You don’t get it, Mom. That’s old thinking.’ And I’m like, ‘Don’t get what? Abolish the police?'”

“‘Tear down statues of Lincoln? Maybe give communism another shot? Get rid of the border patrol? Get rid of capitalism? White supremacy has never been worse? Gender is always just a social construct? It’s okay to have penises in the women’s swimming pool, in women’s prisons?’ “No, it’s not that I’m old; it’s that your ideas are stupid,” the comedian added.

Brown attempted to stop Maher from speaking, calling him “very cantankerous.”

“When people talk about Trump … that’s what they should be talking about,” Maher continued. “Because a lot of conservatives say to me, ‘What you don’t get about Trump is we don’t like him either’ … I don’t blame them because a lot of it is closer to their own home. Like, the things you hate about Trump, democracy, I understand why that’s the biggest issue, but a lot of people, it’s kind of vague. Ukraine is very far away, but, you know, the stuff about family and race and gender, it’s very close to their own home.”

Brown then attempted to shift gears by blaming “octogenarians” for the issues in the country, not young people.

Maher recently said he believes Trump will defeat President Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

“I can’t say it enough. I would, I said it many times, I would vote for his head in a jar of blue liquid over Donald Trump. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not — first of all, I don’t think, I think it’s a moot point at this point. He’s gonna fucking lose,” the comedian said.

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