
EXCLUSIVE: Gaetz Probes Miami Federal Court Over Potential ‘Unethical Pressure’ Targeting Judge In Trump Case

Photo by Nathan Posner/Anadolu via Getty Images

Henry Rodgers Chief National Correspondent
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Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz sent a letter Thursday to the Chief Judge of the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Cecilia Altonaga, after reports of potential pressure to Judge Aileen Cannon, who is presiding over former President Donald Trump’s classified-documents case.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter, in which Gaetz calls for answers to a number of questions from Altonaga after The New York Times reported that two judges urged Cannon to step aside from the Trump classified documents case. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind ‘Unprecedented Lawfare’ Campaign Against Trump)

“The New York Times recently reported that multiple individuals report that potentially unethical pressure was brought to bear upon Judge Aileen Cannon in your district (‘Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Aside,’ June 20, 2024). Specifically, multiple anonymous sources note that two judges have publicized their attempts to convince Judge Cannon to step aside in the Trump classified-documents case,” Gaetz wrote in the letter. “The timing (apparently well into the litigation) and the fact that the New York Times has described this effort as ‘extraordinary’ do warrant at least a reach out from Congress.”


  • Did you personally have a conversation with Judge Cannon about the Trump-documents case and, if so, on what date(s)?;
  • Did you attempt to convince her to leave the case, through reassignment or another means, and, if so, what means and on what date(s)?;
  • Do you have reason to believe that the conversation(s) with Judge Cannon is/are protected by any canons of court conduct or judicial ethics, such that leaks to the New York Times may constitute a violation of those rules and, if so, what rules?”; and
  • Is there any pending investigation into those leaks?;
  • What affirmative steps has your court taken to avoid a repeat of this situation?


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

“I am well aware of the dynamics of a collegial court, and the facts, as reported by the media, may be wrong. There is nothing untoward in a senior colleague explaining to a more junior colleague about the pitfalls of an assigned case and providing options to her. But the article suggests much more than that,” he added. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Matt Gaetz Demands Oversight Hearing On Race-Based VA Programs That Exclude White Vets)

Gaetz calls for responses to his questions no later than July 5.