
‘What A Cope’: Daily Caller Reporter Reagan Reese Calls Out Legacy Media’s ‘Rush’ To ‘Rescue’ Biden During Debate

(Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Tasos Katopodis)

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Daily Caller White House correspondent Reagan Reese called out the legacy media’s “rush” to “rescue” President Joe Biden during the debate against former President Donald Trump Friday, claiming the president suffered from a cold.

Reese appeared on iHeart’s the “Rod Arquette Show” to discuss the aftermath of the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump Thursday evening. As the two discussed Biden’s debate performance, which many Democrats have called out as poor, show host Rod Arquette highlighted a moment from the night in which media members from networks like CBS and NBC began to post mid-debate how sources were claiming Biden was suffering from a cold. (RELATED: Panicked Dems Scramble For Biden Replacement After ‘Disaster’ Debate Performance)

“Yeah, what a cope. The media, naturally — it was the president of the WHCA, the White House Correspondents Association, that had that scoop. You know, the media really rushed to President Biden’s rescue there to say that, ‘Well, maybe he’s not on his game because he has this cold.’ His voice was raspy, he was coughing. I believe that he seems to always cough. I think that’s something I’ve noticed about him and how I’ve covered him,” Reese said.

“But I thought Politico made an interesting note about this — there was no mention of President Biden’s cold leading up to the debate. So that tells me two things. You know, either the cold isn’t real, or his communications team is not the best and didn’t think that maybe we should get that news out there beforehand in case things do hit the fan. So, you know, I just found that to be — that was really the best spin that you could come up with during the debate was, ‘Oh well, President Biden has a cold.’ I mean, come on.”

As Biden visibly suffered from multiple gaffes throughout his debate performance, various Democratic pundits afterwards began to circulate the idea of replacing the president as the party’s nominee.

Immediately following the debate, CNN’s Van Jones said that due to Biden’s performance, Democrats are going to want to see the president take a “different course,” noting how the party still had time to “figure out a different way forward.” Notably, the New York Times editorial board, has come forward calling for the president to drop out of the race in order to beat Trump this November.