California Cops Stand Idly By As Men Expose Themselves, Pee On Each Other At Event Open To Kids

Miikka Skaffari/Getty Images

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Police appeared to opt out of taking action as San Francisco’s Pride march attendees openly performed oral sex on each other and engaged in disturbing sexual acts, including urinating on one another, during Sunday’s pride parade, social media video shows.

One attendee laid down in an inflatable pool in a designated area called “The Fetish Zone” and let a woman pee on him. Another man wearing only a dog collar and a small cloth around his genitals stood in the pool and clapped, video that reporter Savanah Hernandez posted to Twitter shows.

“The Fetish Zone” was designated as an 18+ zone but parade officials were allegedly not checking IDs, according to Hernandez.

Another nude man appeared to stand with his genitals hanging out while children walked by during the parade, video TENET Media’s Tayler Hansen posted to Twitter shows.

“Oh it’s legal here,” the man told Hansen when he confronted him about it. “A lot of people are doing it.”

Hansen pointed out the man was right next to a child while nude.

Another video from TENET appears to show a man urinating into another man’s mouth in “The Fetish Zone.” (RELATED: New York City LGBT Activists Chant, ‘We’re Coming For Your Children’)

There were children marching in the parade from multiple groups, including the Boy Scouts, according to TENET Media.

Hansen asked members of San Francisco Police who were stationed at the event about the legality of the lewd behavior.

“Right across the fence you have a zone where people are giving each other blow jobs in public and pissing on each other in public. Is that legal?” Hansen asked.

The police said the event was technically not public despite the fact that it was taking place on a public street.

“It’s a pick your battle day. They want us to maintain civility on the outskirts of it,” one of the officers told him.

Democrats and left-wing media have spent years criticizing the idea that drag queen story hours and lewd pride events were rife with groomers.

ABC News ran a 2022 headline claiming “Some Republicans use false ‘pedophilia’ claims to attack Democrats, LGBTQ people.” 

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes accused Republicans of “playing footsie with Q-Anon” and called grooming allegations “an age-old smear to imply that members of the LGBTQ community are trying to prime children for sexual abuse,” in a 2022 monologue.

The Washington Post also called grooming accusations “part of a conservative effort to foster a moral panic that will help limit how and what educators teach,” in a 2022 article.

The Daily Caller reached out to the San Francisco Police Department for clarification on their law enforcement policy during the event but did not hear back in time for publication.