
ROOKE: Lady Mac-Biden Desperately Clinging To Power As Husband Crumbles Before Her Eyes

Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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A real-life Shakespearian drama is unfolding as the world watches First Lady Jill Biden and Hunter Biden desperately cling to power through President Joe Biden despite the doom his obvious declining mental capacity spells for the country.

In an unbelievable move, the First Lady has made it perfectly clear that her husband will not be removed from the presidential campaign. In a Vogue Magazine cover released Monday, the magazine features her, not her husband, with the tagline: “We Will Determine Our Future.”

The cover image is Jill in an all-white Ralph Lauren power suit dress, staring “stoically” at something out of frame. Her posture cannot be mistaken for anything other than her explicitly telling the sharks in the Bidens’ water that their calls to remove her husband from the ticket will be ignored.

It’s not that Jill has decided that her husband is the best man for the White House job or that she actually believes “Democracy” is at stake. Whether intentionally or not, Vogue explains the situation perfectly in its opening paragraph. (ROOKE: The Media’s So Full Of Sh*t For Only Now Admitting Biden Is A Disaster)

“If you want to know what power feels like, try to get yourself driven around in a motorcade. Flashing police chaperone lights form a perimeter as you blaze down an empty highway, waiting cars backed up on entry ramps as you pass. It’s as if the world is holding its breath. For you. Also, rules don’t apply,” Vogue writes.

Jill has power—real, unbridled power—and she is not willing to give it up, even if it humiliates her husband.

Loving wives look at Jill in disgust for what she’s allowing to happen to her husband. The way she spoke to him like a toddler who had successfully made “pee pee in the potty” on that Atlanta stage after his disastrous debate is nothing short of heinous. She should have taken him, let him rest, and then, in the morning, explained they were retiring to Wilmington. Instead, she humiliated him in public without any hesitation. I couldn’t fathom doing that to my husband. Even during a knock-down-drag-out fight, I could never debase him publicly in such a way.

Think what you want about Joe’s corruption and tainted legacy, and I surely do, but Jill betrayed him, their marriage, and the promises she made before God on their wedding day. She likes the State Dinners, designer gowns, and being treated like royalty when she travels abroad more than she cares about Joe.

“The mask has come off. The whole shell game has been revealed. It’s obvious that Biden was always a puppet for these interests who were hiding behind him, and now it’s all being exposed,” billionaire Chamath Palihapitiya said on The All In Pod over the weekend.

Hunter is one of these interests “hiding behind him.” After years of his dad using his drug-addled son to loot the Republic, Hunter, in an ironic twist of fate, is now pimping his father out. He needs the presidential pardon for the prison time he faces and four more years of milking access to power to build his family’s fortune.

Unlike former Presidents Obama, Bush, and Clinton, Biden will not have high-dollar speaking engagements, elite party invitations, and the other money-making perks they had when he leaves office. He’s not one of them and never has been. Just look at how Obama exposed Biden on stage at the California fundraiser, leading him off like a child. (ROOKE: Obama Got Exactly Want He Wanted With His Biden Investment)

They know this, which is why she and Hunter are pushing him to stay in the race. Like Lady Macbeth, Jill and Hunter’s grip on power rests on Joe being president. Nothing will come between them and the American throne, even if this ruins him or exposes their dark souls.