
Tucker Carlson To Interview Zelenskyy

Ian Maule/Getty Images

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Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson will interview Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after two years of trying to secure an elusive sit down, Carlson announced in a Wednesday tweet.

“Looks like we’ve got the Zelenskyy interview,” Carlson wrote Wednesday afternoon. “We’ve been trying for two years, and with particular intensity after interviewing Putin in February. The point is to bring Americans much-needed information about the conflict that’s completely reshaping their country’s position in the world. Coming soon we hope.”

The impending sit down follows his much-anticipated interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which he released in February. That sit down was Putin’s first with an American journalist since October 2021. (RELATED: Tucker Goes On Ten Minute Verbal Rampage After Reporter Blubbers His Way Through Putin Question)

Zelenskyy, on the other hand, has given out interviews to a wide swath of American and western media since the start of the Ukraine War in 2022, including CNN, The New York Times, Bloomberg and Fox News.

Carlson’s stance on U.S. funding for Ukraine has made him somewhat unpopular in the country. Following his announcement of the Putin interview, the Myrotvorets Center, a Ukrainian non-governmental organization, labelled him as a threat to national security and placed him on a list.

American leaders have criticized Tucker for not supporting Ukraine aid as well. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed Tucker for a delay in the U.S. getting a new round of funding to Ukraine in April, according to the Daily Beast.

“I think the demonization of Ukraine began by Tucker Carlson, who in my opinion ended up where he should’ve been all along, which is interviewing Vladimir Putin,” the senator reportedly said.