Wild Video Shows Nudist Save Tourist From Blowtorch Wielding Attacker

Image not from story. Wikimedia Commons/Public/Alexandre Boidron, CC BY 3.0

Fiona McLoughlin Contributor
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A video circulating on social media shows a nudist saving a tourist in California from an alleged blowtorch-wielding attacker.

Pete Sferra and Lloyd Fishback, two nudists, were strolling along the streets of Castro, a San Francisco neighborhood, on July 2 when they came across a “crazy kind of pirate guy” threatening a man, according to The San Francisco Standard (SFS).

In a video shared on Facebook, Sferra can be seen standing off to the side on the phone while a man holding a blowtorch appears to confront another man.

An onlooker then appears to sneak up behind the alleged attacker, swiftly stealing the blowtorch from his grasp. The alleged perpetrator then swings at the tourist as the onlooker runs off with the blowtorch.

The tourist can be seen covering his face as the alleged attacker continues to walk toward him. The other nudist, Fishback, then jumps into action, pummeling the suspect.

“My buddy Lloyd is a quiet, respectful guy,” Sferra told SFS. “But he didn’t waste any time and nailed the guy with a right hook.”

Sferra told the outlet that his friend Fishback was the “hero” in the incident. He told SFS he and at least two other bystanders called the police once the altercation unfolded. (RELATED: Video Shows Man Wielding Frying Pan Against Burglar).

Petros Fanourgiakis, an owner of a nearby business, told SFS the man “threatened to burn the tourist’s face.”

The suspect has reportedly been identified as Zero Triball, a San Francisco Police Department spokesperson told SFS. Triball is reportedly in custody on an assault with a deadly weapon charge.

The 38-year-old reportedly has a history of causing trouble in the Castro neighborhood, the outlet reported.

“He’s a known problem in the neighborhood,” Terry Asten Bennett, president of the Castro Merchants Association, told SFS. “He’s erratic and violent.”

Bennett told the outlet Triball entered her shop years ago, shouting at employees and throwing merchandise at them. A nearby country club reportedly obtained a restraining order against the 38-year-old after he allegedly threatened to kill the club’s executive director and burn down the building, the club’s manager Brandon Stanton told SFS.