Sings the blues away
PETA draws flak for comparing SeaWorld to slavery
Why so serious? Super committee R's and D's can't decide who's joking
Gallup: Self-reported gun ownership rises, especially among women, Dems
Executive Disorder
Twitter dust-up: The Donald vs. O'Donnell
Justice Dept. proposes lying, hiding existence of records under new FOIA rule
All charges dropped against lemonade protesters
Ron Paul: Latest GOP debate was 'disgusting'
Romney, Bachmann call Iraq withdrawal a political decision
Energy Dept. refuses to let author of Solyndra legal memo be interviewed
ATF priorities: Smuggle guns to drug cartels, arrest cigarette smugglers
OccuList: The best of the rest
Senate passes amendment to block funding for future Fast and Furious programs
Senators: V.A. has denied gun rights to more than 100,000 veterans
OccuList: 'Occupy' website owner's secret plan to protest Wall Street with corporate money
Feds to target ads, landlords tied to medical marijuana in California
The other Solyndra story: Even massive tax rebates failed to drive solar-panel demand
Republicans roll out jobs plan in challenge to Obama
Bill introduced to strip citizenship of Americans supporting terror abroad
Senate Dem strategy: Blame 'tea party economics'
Emanuel on Solyndra: 'It's not about warning signs'
Issa subpoenas Justice Department over Fast and Furious
Cantor on 'Occupy Wall Street': Elected leaders 'stirring up the pot'
Anti-war protesters occupy Senate office building, fail to end war
DC occupiers granted four-month protest permit
Court to lemonade protesters: Urine trouble!
House Democrats endorse 'Occupy Wall Street'
Ron Paul wins Values Voter Summit straw poll
Perry pushes pro-Christian message
Enough!: Cantor condemns 'Occupy Wall Street' as 'mob'
Boehner: Obama busy campaigning, has 'thrown in the towel' on economy
Lieberman a 'no' on Obama jobs bill as it stands; other Dems questionable
Ron Paul raises $8 million in third quarter
Pass this bill (later)! Reid blocks Obama jobs bill vote [VIDEO]
Congress avoids government shutdown yet again
Obama threatens to veto two Republican bills delaying EPA regs
Cantor: Obama's jobs bill 'dead' on arrival on House floor
Gingrich on Solyndra: 'As president, I would have fired Sec. Chu'