DC Trawler

#NotAllMuslims March For Jihad In Copenhagen

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Remember last February, when an Islamic terrorist shot up a free-speech event in Copenhagen to try to kill a cartoonist who had drawn a picture of Mohammed? That was weird, right?

And now, check out this odd coincidence. Raheem Kassam, Breitbart London:

Roughly 500 members of the Islamist organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) gathered in Denmark’s capital city of Copenhagen on Friday, calling for Shariah law for European countries, as well as “jihad” to “free” the Palestinian territories. The march, which took place on Friday, appears to have garnered little media attention, as has the shooting which took place in the same location just 24-hours later at a Shia Muslim ceremony…

“Muslim armies, do your duty. We have had enough of failure,” the HT crowds chanted on Friday afternoon, according to journalist Marie Jensen who was present at the scene.

Hizb ut-Tahrir wants a global caliphate. But don’t worry. If you have a “COEXIST” sticker on your car, they don’t mean you. You’ll be okay. Just stay in line, don’t say anything to upset a Muslim, and definitely don’t draw any cartoons of Mohammed. As a non-Muslim under the caliphate, you’ll be as free as they allow you to be.

Or you could always convert. You could always submit. Why not? After all, that’s what the word “Islam” means. It means “submission.”

Speaking of blasphemy, the first trailer for AMC’s upcoming comic-book adaptation Preacher will premiere during next Sunday’s episode of the most popular show on TV, The Walking Dead. The very premise of Preacher is incredibly blasphemous against Christianity, and the trailer will be seen by millions of people, so there’s bound to be some outrage.* It’ll be fun to watch the same lefties who were scared of a Charlie Hebdo cover, and who are always telling cartoonists not to blaspheme against a religion they don’t practice themselves, as they mock Christians for being offended by Preacher.

That’s because lefties aren’t scared of Christians killing them. That’s all it is. It’s nothing more.

*Not from me, though. The only thing that outrages me about it is that Seth Rogen is involved. It doesn’t offend me for religious reasons. I really liked Preacher when I read it years ago, and I’m looking forward to the TV adaptation. And in the unlikely event that any religious zealots attempt violence against anyone involved with the show, I’ll be the first to condemn it. I won’t blame the actors or producers or network for “triggering” lunatics. I won’t capitulate to religious terrorism. I’m not a Democrat.