
WATCH Insane Sanders Supporters Gush About The Socialist From Vermont [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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[crscore]Bernie Sanders[/crscore] supporters have some crazy notions when it comes to why they support the self described “socialist.”

MRCTV reporter Dan Joseph went to the University of Colorado, Boulder and asked Sanders supporters why exactly they support the Senator from Vermont, what they think socialism actually is, and how Barack Obama compares to Sanders. (RELATED: Sanders: ‘No’ I’m Not A Capitalist, ‘I’m a Democratic Socialist’ [VIDEO])

One Sanders supporter said, “We need to apply regulations and stuff to limit the amount of wealth that people can accumulate.”

Another animated Sanders supporter said, “We want the government not to say, ‘This is a free market, doing whatever the Hell it wants to do,’ but we want to take action here, and actually do something.”

Multiple Sanders supporters praised the senator’s pledge to offer free college tuition because, “Who doesn’t want that?”

Another supporter said she liked Sanders because, “I like socialism.” A female, self-described socialist was asked what she meant by socialism, and she said, “I love socialism.”

A different Sanders supporter said, “He wants to spread the wealth.”

Another supporter lamented that when comparing Sanders to Obama, “Obama’s much more moderate. He’s actually very middle-of-the-road.”

One student doubted Obama’s “socialist” credibility suggesting, “I would say President Obama has socialist tendencies. I don’t think you can be a socialist unless you declare yourself a socialist.”


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