
West Virginia Sanders Voters Would Back Trump Over Hillary

Screen Shot MSNBC and NBC

Alex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent
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Despite Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ win Tuesday, he is still unlikely to be the Democratic nominee. Exit polling in West Virginia shows many of his supporters aren’t ready to back Clinton and would instead support Trump.

West Virginia Democratic primary voters were asked who they would support in the general election in a Trump versus Clinton matchup. Forty-five percent answered they would back Clinton, and 35 percent would vote for Trump. (RELATED: Bernie Sanders Wins West Virginia Democrat Primary)

In a hypothetical Sanders-Trump race, the Vermont senator leads Trump 51 percent to 33 percent. Trump’s strong support among West Virginia Democrats can be explained in part by the large among of independents who participated in the primary, 34 percent. The Appalachian state is also largely white and working class, Trump’s base.