
Donald Trump Jr. Is Asked Who His Favorite Democrat Is — He Responds With ‘Mitt Romney’

CBS screenshot

Justin Caruso Contributor
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Donald Trump Jr. appeared on CBS to promote his new book Tuesday, and when asked who his favorite Democrat was, he responded, “Mitt Romney.”

“Say something nice on there today, aright?” CBS’s Gayle King teased.

“I’ll do that. I’ll do that. I can- Gayle, there’s some nice stuff in there,” Trump Jr. responded.

“Who is your favorite Democrat? Go ahead,” King asked.

After some cross talk, Trump Jr. responds, “Mitt Romney, Gayle. Mitt Romney is my favorite Democrat. How about that?”

Republican Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is often derided by President Donald Trump and his supporters over his frequent criticism of the current administration.

In April, Romney said that he was “sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President.”

Trump shot back, “If @MittRomney spent the same energy fighting Barack Obama as he does fighting Donald Trump, he could have won the race (maybe)!”

Recently, Romney criticized Trump over the Ukraine transcript, saying that it was, “troubling in the extreme.” (RELATED: Mitt Romney Writes Anti-Trump Op-Ed, Questions President’s ‘Character’)