
Ryan Reynolds Meets Peloton Actress Monica Ruiz After Having Her Star In New Gin Commercial

(Credit: Youtube Screenshot Peloton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pShKu2icEYw)

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The actress who gained internet fame after starring in a Christmas ad for Peloton has a new gig.

Monica Ruiz was given a new role after spending time at the center of an outraged internet mob. Actor Ryan Reynolds noticed the controversy surrounding her role in the Peloton ad after the commercial was accused of being sexist and elitist, according to a report published by Entertainment Tonight.

“I watched it,” Reynolds recalled on the “Today” show. “I went, ‘Oh wow. I see why there’s some backlash.’ And I said, ‘Can we just send her a year’s supply of gin? She doesn’t have to film herself,'” he recalled. “And then that sort of evolved from there.”

Reynolds then came up with the idea for the Aviation Gin commercial which is a commentary on the internet outrage that stemmed from the original Peloton commercial. (RELATED: Rich Women Are Super Upset ‘Brad’ Keeps Ruining Their Pricey Exercise Programs)

“We love acknowledging and playing with the cultural landscape,” he continued. “And we thought this was a great opportunity to do something. Everything is sort of divisive these days. It’s like, one camp here, one camp there. Well, we had this thought that we could do this ad without contributing to that divide, without really vilifying anybody, just sort of commenting on both the person and the actress in the ad all at once.”

Ruiz originally turned the role down, but came around after she was told the commercial was “just an idea that was taking air out of the situation.”