
20.3% Of People Would Give Up Alcohol For A Year In Return For Sports, 6.2% Would Give Up Sex

(Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A ton of people would stop drinking alcohol for a year if it meant sports would start back up.

According to a study from TickPick, 20.3% of people would give up booze for a year in return for sports being back. More than 6% of people would give up sex for a year for sports to return from the coronavirus pandemic. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Another 5.2% of people said they’d straight up get the virus to have sports back, and 4.7% would take a pay cut.

Would you give up sex for a year in return for college football? The more I think about it, the easier the decision becomes for me.

Look, fellas, you can have sex for the rest of your life and there are tons of women out there. You might only have one chance to win a title!

You have to capitalize while you can. Don’t be selfish. Your girlfriend can wait. We’re trying to raise banners right now.

Once the season is over, we can get back to taking care of our women.

As for alcohol, could we really make it through the college football season without a single beer? That might be a lot harder than it sounds.

What, I’m just not supposed to start shotgunning Bush Lights after Graham Mertz drops 500 in a game this upcoming season?

As for taking a pay cut, if I could save the soul of a nation by not getting paid, then it’d be my duty to do it.

Don’t call me a hero. Just call me the football fan America needed during this crisis.

H/T: BroBible