
‘There Are Large Gatherings In The Home Depot Parking Lot’: Kayleigh McEnany Blasts Restrictions On Churches

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany had harsh criticism Tuesday for authorities who were still cracking down on religious services as states began to reopen.

McEnany made an appearance on “Fox & Friends” to discuss President Donald Trump’s push to reopen churches, mosques and synagogues and allow Americans to return to religious services of all kinds. (RELATED: Kayleigh McEnany Turns Briefing On Its Head, Demands Answers From The Press)


 McEnany began by saying that she herself had been able to attend church over the weekend. “I went to church on Sunday,” she explained. “I was happy that for the first time, a church that was nearby to me reopened and I went to mass.”

“Everyone was socially distanced and disinfecting,” McEnany added, saying, “The priest hand sanitized before he handed out communion. It was the exemplary way, I think, of a church or a mosque or synagogue can reopen so this can be done safely.”

McEnany then turned on those states that were still enacting penalties on those who attempted to reopen religious services. “When you have states like Virginia penalizing 16 people for gathering in a 200-person church, these were sex addicts and drug addicts who depended on going to their church and they’re penalized, where there are large gatherings in the Home Depot parking lot. It’s unfair, it’s a burden on religion and free expression of worship that’s embedded in our First Amendment.”

“And just to note, in Mississippi where people were fined for attending church in their cars?” McEnany concluded, “This is not the American way.”