
Los Angeles Chargers Coach Wears Shorts As A Mask

Chargers Coach (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/NFLonFOX/status/1325557541540081664)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A coach on the Los Angeles Chargers had an interesting way to cover up his face Sunday against the Raiders.

In a video tweeted by @NFLonFOX, Chargers assistant coach Keith Burns could be seen on the broadcast wearing shorts over his mouth instead of a regular mask during the coronavirus pandemic. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

In case that doesn’t sound crazy enough, just wait until you actually see the video of Burns on the sidelines. You can give it a watch below.

Is there a budget crunch for the Chargers or something? Did they run out of regular masks? I need to know why shorts were the best option for Burns.

I need to know why a coach in the NFL making serious money decided he couldn’t get a regular mask. I need to know!

Clearly, he was going to do whatever was necessary to make sure the NFL didn’t fine him like other coaches. I honestly thought this video was fake the first time I saw it. Naturally, I thought there’s no way an NFL coach would be wearing something like this on his face.

Well, it turns out that the video is very real, and it’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen all month.

We might never know why Burns thought this was a great idea, but props to him for giving us something to laugh about.