
‘Without Truth, There Is No Trust’: John Kennedy Says Journalists Need To Be ‘Equal Opportunity A-Holes’

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Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy said Tuesday that too many journalists appeared to be taking sides with regard to politics in America.

Kennedy joined Fox News host Tucker Carlson to discuss the disparities in the way the press has treated members of different parties, and he argued that in order to get to the truth, “they have got to be equal opportunity a-holes.” (RELATED: ‘This Show Isn’t Going Anywhere, It’s Getting Bigger’: Tucker Puts Down Speculation Of His Exodus From Fox News)


Kennedy began by giving his assessment of President-elect Joe Biden’s most recent press conference, noting that he faced very different questions than President Donald Trump might have in a similar situation.

“Look, you would have to be a special kind of stupid not to see the disparate treatment between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump,” Kennedy said, adding that since the beginning of the 2020 election process “the toughest question that Mr. Biden has been asked is ‘Does he support children and prosperity?’ and probably the second toughest question is ‘Does he like ponies?’ And this is very dangerous for our democracy.”

Kennedy went on to say that the role of journalists, particularly in a democracy, was to “ferret out and safeguard the truth.” He argued that once members of the press chose sides, they could no longer do that job effectively. (RELATED: ‘I Wanted To Get All That Clear’: John Kennedy Asks Amy Coney Barrett If She Hates ‘Little Warm Puppies’)

“Journalists can’t pick sides otherwise they are not seeking out the truth,” he explained. “They have got to be equal opportunity assholes if you will. And too many of our journalists have started picking sides. And it will ultimately undermine their profession and democracy. Without truth, there is no trust. Without trust there is no democracy.”

Kennedy concluded by saying that when he first entered the political arena at the state level, journalists had held everyone’s feet to the fire regardless of party affiliation.

“They were tough. They were tough,” he said. “You know, there is an old adage that says keep the company of those who seek the truth, run from those who already know it. I think many members of the press think they already know the truth.”