
Ohio Cops Save Woman From Sinking Van By Forming Human Chain

(Credit: TMZ Video https://www.tmz.com/videos/2020-11-24-112420-car-in-river-4888968/)

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A team of Ohio Cops saved a woman from nearly drowning in her vehicle by forming a human chain.

The dramatic water rescue took place Sunday in Alliance, Ohio, after a 24-year-old woman fell asleep behind the wheel of a Dodge minivan and drove her car into the Mahoning River, according to TMZ. Footage of the rescue was caught on the body camera of one of the cops that arrived on the scene, the outlet reported.


One officer stayed on the bank of the river while the other entered the river with a hammer, the footage shows. After getting close enough to the vehicle, the cop used the hammer to break the window open. The officer pulled Alexis Schreckengost out of the van and to safety, the report said. (RELATED: Police Officer Kicks Woman Who Rushes Him In Wild Video)

Schreckengost did alert 911 that she was trapped in the van. She can be heard panicking on the 911 call as the van filled with water, according to TMZ.

The van was recovered from the lake the next day.

This is what law enforcement is for. They’re here to protect us in any way they can and most will go any length to make sure that happens. Without 911, Schreckengost might not have made it out of that river alive.