
Tequila Bar Reportedly Registers To Become A Church To Skirt Around Coronavirus Restrictions

(Credit: Shutterstock Marcel Kriegl)

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A tequila bar located in the United Kingdom has reportedly registered to become a church following the latest coronavirus restrictions in the country.

400 Rabbits Tequila and Mezcal Cocktail Bar has registered to become “The Church of The Four Hundred Rabbits,” according to an interview published Sunday by the Nottingham Post. Places of worship can stay open under any tier of lockdown in the United Kingdom, according to the outlet. The new shutdown will last until Dec. 2, according to CNN.

Bar owner James Aspel said to become a religion, people needed to sign up to be a part of the congregation. People in Aspel’s religion can choose to be “a bunny believer” or “a reverend of the righteous rabbits,” he told the outlet. It is still unclear how people will “practice the religion.”

Aspel claimed the idea started as a joke, but he does believe his bar has been treated unfairly amid the new coronavirus lockdown rules. (RELATED: Boris Johnson Orders UK Into Month-Long COVID-19 Lockdown)

“The intention of this is to be a joke but it comes from a serious place,” Aspel told the outlet.

“With the new restrictions we’re forced to close and it could be months before we can reopen,” the owner reportedly added. “We don’t have a food offering so even if we were in Tier 2, we couldn’t open.”

Aspel claimed gyms, massage parlors and Christmas markets have been allowed to stay open amid the new coronavirus lockdown.

“We feel like we’ve been targeted unfairly, to an extent and it seems wrong,” Aspel told the outlet. “Everything from gyms to massage parlours can stay open and even the Christmas markets are happening – that was the point when I thought, this is ridiculous.”

“So we have sent in an application to register as a place of worship,” Aspel added.

This is hilarious. Coronavirus has brought about and changed a lot of things in our world. Now, it might have even brought about a new religion. How fun.

It does seems a little unfair that some businesses can stay open and others can’t with seemingly little to no rhyme or reason. It doesn’t seem right that the government can decide which businesses get to survive this pandemic.