
Unreturned VHS Rental From More Than 20 Years Ago Results In A Felony Charge

VHS (Credit: Shutterstock/Oleg Krugliak)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A woman was facing a felony charge after an unreturned movie rental from more than two decades ago.

According to USA Today, Caron McBride wanted to change something at the DMV when she found out she had been charged with felony embezzlement of rented property over an unreturned VHS copy of “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” from 2000. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Eventually, the authorities were able to sort everything out, and it was believed that her former boyfriend rented the movie for her child more than two decades ago.

Cooler heads prevailed and the charge was dropped.

I think we can all agree that the real crime here is that someone copped a felony charged over “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.”

If you’re going to potentially go to prison over not returning a rented movie, you better make it an Academy Award worthy film or “Red Dawn.”

It better be movie that is so good that you’ll do time for it. We all know “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” doesn’t fit that profile.

I’m glad to see common sense prevailed and the charge against McBride from 200 was dropped. What a bizarre and utterly strange situation.