
Michelle Beadle Rips Negativity On Social Media

(Photo by Robin Marchant/Getty Images for ESPN)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Michelle Beadle isn’t a huge fan of social media.

The former ESPN star recently did an interview with Ariel Helwani and she touched on how she doesn’t really like to engage on social media. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Beadle said the following about social media during her interview with Helwani, according to BroBible:

What I have done, and I did this probably years ago, I turned off as much as you can. I turned off comments from strangers, I don’t go digging, I never Google my name, I just stopped doing it. I think it was Bill Simmons that actually told me to do that years ago. This would never bother you if you were out walking around, so why are you letting it bother you now? That’s actually, simply correct. Don’t go look for it, 100 positive things and one negative and that’s what you’ll remember and it ruins your day.

You can listen to the full interview below.

It’s hard to disagree with any of Beadle’s comments. I’ve said for a long time that social media is a cancer on society, and it distorts reality.

Social media, especially Twitter, allows a very vocal minority to appear to have much more influence and power than they do.

In response to this distortion, people are afraid to do certain things because they’re worried the mob will come for them.

In reality, social media is generally full of losers who have nothing going for them. It’s like “The Wizard of Oz.” Once you pull the curtain back, everything becomes much clearer.

It sounds like Beadle is pretty much on the same wavelength.

If you’re on social media, you should be there to have fun, catchup on the news, stay in touch with friends and not much else.

When guys like Charles Barkley and myself are telling you social media isn’t great, you should probably listen!

Let us know your thoughts on social media in the comments!