
Video Seems To Show Some Kind Of Bizarre UFOs Off The Coast Of North Carolina

North Carolina UFOs (Credit: Screenshot/YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI8PeluBwx4)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A video appearing to show UFO’s off the coast of North Carolina is making the rounds online.

In a YouTube video shared by Wes Snyder Photography, speeding red flashes can be seen, and it’s not clear what they are. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

The post is captioned as follows:

Can You help identify this UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT – Please help me identify a plane that has the capabilities of this aircraft. I’ve caught these trails before in several other Timelpases but I have yet to figure out what kind of plane possibly has these capabilities. Each photo is a 10 second exposure with a second in between. You can see what normal planes look like compared to whatever are causing these trails in the video. My guess is this is part of the bombing range in Eastern NC, but whatever they are they have some incredible maneuverability. Footage was captured on 9-27-2021 between 8 and 10pm out at the Ocean Pursuit Shipwreck. Camera was facing due west.

You can watch the video, which was filmed in the Outer Banks, below.

What do we think these red flashes are? I honestly have no idea at all. I’m not a plane expert, but they seem to be incredibly low, especially when compared to regular planes.

I couldn’t speculate with any confidence what those red flashes might be. Wes Snyder Photography speculated they might be from a bombing range in North Carolina, but that’s obviously pure speculation.

What I do know for sure is that the American public is obsessed with UFOs. We can’t get enough of them. Why?

Because people are fascinated with the unknown. It’s truly that simple. When we can’t figure something out, we’re going to dig into it even more, and that’s more or less the UFO phenomena summed up.

We’ll see where the next UFO sighting is because we all know this isn’t ending anytime soon!