National Security

Illegal Migrants Bused To DC, NYC Caught Panhandling At Stops Along The Way: REPORT

Migrants from Cuba and Venezuela arrive in Washington, D.C. Jennie Taer//Daily Caller News Foundation

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Jennie Taer Investigative Reporter
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A McDonald’s employee in Chattanooga, Tennessee, called the local police to respond to east coast-bound illegal migrants panhandling in the area that were bused by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Fox News reported.

The illegal migrants were transported on one of the buses Abbott sent to Washington D.C., and New York City, according to Fox News. It’s not clear where the bus was bound, as Abbott’s office didn’t respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

“I had to get the police to remove them from the premises, which they turn and started sitting over at the gas station. After that we haven’t seen them for a while,” McDonald’s employee Nyree Jones told WTVC. “The two young ones kept on going from here to over there, to the gas station, just trying to get money from people.”


A manager at the McDonald’s confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation that Jones was employed at the location, but didn’t have any information about the situation. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Migrants Bused To DC Reveal How And Why They Came To The US)

An employee of the Comfort Inn and Suites hotel nearby also confirmed to the DCNF that the buses stopped at their location to change drivers and that some migrants were allowed to stay in the area.

“If they have family in the area, they’re allowed to because they have documentation. They are allowed to get off,” the employee said.

A sheriff in Georgia also shared concerns about the migrant buses he encountered in Dade County, saying the illegal migrants appeared to be “encouraged” to depart the bus, where they were told they could walk to Chattanooga.

“After receiving a call that tour buses were dropping off illegal immigrants at the Pilot in Rising Fawn, Sheriff Cross responded to the truck stop and immediately observed a tour bus which appeared to be dropping off subjects at that location,” the sheriff’s office wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday.

“Sheriff Cross approached the subjects and found that the bus was transporting illegal immigrants from Texas, en route to Washington, DC. The bus driver advised that this was one of their stops along their route, and several illegal immigrants had already decided to get off the bus and end their trip in Rising Fawn,” the post said.

Democratic Mayors Eric Adams of New York City and Muriel Bowser of Washington have criticized Abbott for “tricking” and “forcing” the migrants onto buses to their cities, claims which the migrants debunked in interviews with the DCNF.

The Chattanooga Police Department didn’t respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

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