
‘Biden’s In Great Shape’: Schumer Throws His Support Behind President Biden


Sarah Wilder Social Issues Reporter
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Chuck Schumer expressed his support for Joe Biden’s re-election in 2024 during an appearance with George Stephanopolous on ABC’s This Week.

Polls show that Biden’s support among his own party is in jeopardy. A February Public Affairs Research poll found that only 37% of Democrats want Biden to seek another term compared to 52% who said the same last fall. Another ABC News poll found that only 31% of Democrats want Biden to run, while 58% want someone else.

“I want to ask you about President Biden. It seems like he’s gearing up for re-election, but our latest poll showed a majority of Democrats think he shouldn’t run again. What do you say to them?” (RELATED: ‘Is It Appropriate?’: Jake Tapper Presses Whitmer On Her Use Of TikTok Given National Security Concerns)

“First, I like the poll that 36% of Republicans thought Reagan should run again back in 1983 and he had a landslide. Biden’s in great shape,” Schumer responded.

“Look at the State of the Union. First, look at all the accomplishments that we did in the Senate with Joe Biden that really affected American people in terms of climate, in terms of jobs, in terms of veterans, in terms of guns, in terms of bringing things back from China. Second, you have unemployment down. You have jobs up. You have wages up, and third, and this is going to happen next year. All the things we did in the Senate are going to be implemented. When people just read about it, they say, hm, but when they actually feel it and see it in their communities, it matters.”