
Elon Musk Burns Mark Cuban’s Ridiculous DEI Take With One Simple Question

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Twitter owner Elon Musk had an electric comeback to Dallas Mavericks minority owner Mark Cuban’s five tweet DEI word salad Thursday.

Musk tweeted out a pretty standard criticism of DEI, which stands for diversity, equity and inclusion, but encompasses a range of corporate policies that many critics have called damaging to American society.

“Discrimination on the basis of race, which DEI does, is literally the definition of racism,” Musk tweeted.

Cuban replied with a largely nonsensical five tweet thread laying out the pros of diversity, equity and inclusion respectively.

He then concluded his tweet storm with a soliloquy comparing DEI to healthcare and the following: “If you don’t think there is a need for DEI and it doesn’t create a competitive advantage for your company, just look at the X posts/replies/quotes below. These are the same people that work for you or are your co-workers. Everyone is entitled to their POV, but these same feelings, even if they are not said out-loud, are heard loud and clear at work.”

While the rest of us tried to figure out what in the Sam Hill Cuban is trying to get at here, Musk wiped out his entire college freshman-level essay with one simple tweet.

“Cool, so when should we expect to see a short white/Asian women on the Mavs?”

HA. There is literally no coming back from that one. (RELATED: Mark Cuban Has A Mental Breakdown Over Joe Rogan)

The NBA, just like corporate America should be, is a meritocracy. The players that give their teams the best chance to win and the ones who put the most butts in the seats get the opportunities. All due respect to Boston’s mayor, but if a tiny Asian woman went up for a layup against the San Antonio Spurs, Victor Wembanyama would send the ball into the stratosphere.