
Man Reportedly Dies After Taking Enormous Amount Of Vitamin D

(Photo by SAEED KHAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Mariane Angela Entertainment And News Reporter
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A United Kingdom man died after taking an enormous amount of Vitamin D, Fox News reported Tuesday.

David Mitchener, 89, succumbed to complications from hypercalcemia, a condition characterized by excessive calcium in the body due to high vitamin D levels, according to Fox News. Mitchener was hospitalized at East Surrey Hospital on May 10, 2023, and passed away ten days later. Medical tests revealed that his vitamin D levels had reached a fatal amount, contributing to his death alongside other health issues including congestive heart failure and chronic kidney disease.

The assistant coroner’s report revealed that Mitchener had been consuming vitamin supplements for at least nine months before his death, without any clear warnings on the packaging about the potential risks of excessive intake, Fox News reported. The report points out the critical need for caution and education regarding the consumption of vitamin supplements. (RELATED: Man Reportedly Crushed To Death By London Urinal)

Experts emphasize that while vitamin D is essential for health, its intake needs to be moderated. “Vitamin supplements can have potentially very serious risks and side effects when taken in excess,” Assistant coroner Jonathan Stevens wrote in the report, according to Fox News. “Current food labeling requirements do not require these risks and side effects to be written on the packaging.”

For most adults, a daily intake of 600 international units (IU) is sufficient, mainly obtainable from food and sunlight. However, exceeding 4,000 IU daily can bring about a series of health complications, since vitamin D functions similarly to a hormone in the body, Fox News stated. These can range from mild symptoms like thirst and nausea to severe complications including muscle weakness, confusion, and even acute kidney failure.