
Left-Wing Activist Gets Roasted After Posting The Worst Poem In Literary History

THOMAS COEX/AFP via Getty Images

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A left-wing activist is getting torched online after posting a leftist manifesto masquerading as poetry Wednesday morning.

Vinay Krishnan, a field organizer with the Center for Popular Democracy, unleashed a mystifying soliloquy rife with every left-wing cliche in the book.

Krishnan covered climate change, COVID-19, the war in Gaza and police brutality in his scathing critique of American life.

The clunky prose, however, reads more like a parody of leftism than they do any legitimate work of art.

“There’s laundry to do and a genocide to stop,” the “poem” opens.

Krishnan continues. (RELATED: ‘Dune 2’ Actor Has Apparently Been Writing Really Bad Poetry About His Co-Stars)

“The person across from me on the L train seems to fashion themselves a punk rock revolutionary, but they’re not wearing a face mask, and that’s the kind of cognitive dissonance that makes me want to steal batteries.”

What on God’s green Earth does this even mean? Steal batteries? Because a complete stranger isn’t wearing a piece of cloth on their face? You sure the problem isn’t you bud?

Krishnan got clowned mercilessly on Twitter. “Is this parody?” Jordan Schachtel asked.

Another user asked, “Sweet mother of fancy Moses how are you real?”

And then there’s my personal favorite, from aptly named user Good Tweetman, who wrote, “Stop genociding the concept of poetry lol.”

Some further highlights from this hack job include “Fascists keep winning primaries for both parties, and I think I gained a few pounds.”

Stunningly brave. It reminds us of a real dichotomy. On the one hand, there’s the belief that fascist authoritarians are coming for your freedom and want to destroy your life and everything you know and love. On the other hand, you’re getting a little chunky.