
UNC Chancellor Rolls Up With Platoon Of Police And Puts American Flag Back Up On Campus


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The University of North Carolina’s interim Chancellor Lee Roberts personally restored the American flag to a flagpole in the center of the Chapel Hill campus Tuesday after protesters replaced it with the Palestinian flag, according to videos the Daily Tar Heel posted to Twitter.

Protestors originally knocked down barricades set up around the flagpole on the campus’s Polk Place to gain access to the flag, the Daily Tar Heel video shows.

The agitators then lowered the American flag and replaced it with the Palestinian flag, video shows.

After a group of protesters surrounded their Palestinian flag, Roberts led a troop of police officers to the flag in an effort to restore the Stars and Stripes, video shows.

Roberts and police restored the American flag as counter-protestors sang the national anthem, Daily Tar Heel video shows. (RELATED: ‘Defy Those Rules’: CNN Host Presses Pro-Palestine Student On University Protest Guidelines)

Protestors again took down the flag after Roberts left to give a press conference before counter-protestors formed a circle around the flag and held it up to keep it from touching the ground, Daily Tar Heel video shows.