
Bill Maher Tells Joy Behar She Is Losing Credibility By Self-Censoring Criticisms Of Biden

[Screenshot/The View]

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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Political commentator Bill Maher told “The View” co-host Joy Behar she is losing credibility by self-censoring criticisms of President Joe Biden.

Behar said she censors herself from criticizing Biden in order to prevent former President Donald Trump from defeating him in the 2024 election. Maher said he is ensuring his sincerity and credibility by expressing honest critiques of the president.

“I’m nervous about saying anything against Biden because I feel, not that I have so much power — and you have some more than I do obviously. Are you afraid that might influence people who are on the fence?” Behar asked during a Tuesday segment.

“I think you lose all credibility,” Maher said. “I do. I mean, my bond with my audience has always been [that] I don’t pull a punch. My bond with my audience is you’re not gonna like everything I say, but you know I’m saying what I really think is true.”

Maher said Biden “presents as old,” despite only being about four years older than Trump.

“We are not young, but we don’t present as old. Biden does,” Maher noted. “I saw him yesterday making that speech, I mean, I’m sorry, but he’s cadaver-like.”

The HBO host compared the president to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who he argued “ruined her legacy” by excessively prolonging her seat on the bench, despite her age and failing health. He argued her refusal to step down caused Trump to appoint her successor, Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, resulting in a 6-3 conservative majority. (RELATED: ‘Ruth Bader Biden’: Bill Maher Sounds Alarm On Biden Running For Second Term) 

He called on Biden to step down at the end of his first term to prevent a repeat of Ginsberg’s legacy.

A majority of Americans have expressed concern about Biden’s age and overwhelmingly prefer a different Democratic nominee due to their little faith in his mental capacity to serve a second term. A Wall Street Journal poll from late February found 36% of registered voters believe Biden is “mentally up for the job,” and 73% deemed him “too old to run.”

A New York Times/Sienna College poll from early March found 72% of likely voters believe Biden is “just too old to be an effective president,” and 42% said the same of Trump.