
Fisherman Reels In 131-Pound Paddlefish To Tie North Dakota State Record For The Biggest Of All-Time

(Photo by MARTIN BERTRAND/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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What a catch! Totally gets me hyped for my upcoming vacation!

A fisherman tied the North Dakota record for the biggest paddlefish caught after he reeled in a 131-pound monster, and even more impressive, he did this just two days into the state’s paddlefish season. (RELATED: ‘Million Dollar’ Marco Wins $3.2 Million After 4-Leg Parlay Slaps)

When it comes to the paddlefish, they’re certainly one of the strangest-looking fish to ever exist in North America, but despite the looks, they’re very popular with anglers. With that being said, however, it’s extraordinarily hard to catch one as it requires different tactics to do so, mainly because they’re filter feeders and won’t eat regular bait.

The most popular way to fish for one of these bad boys is by using a technique called “snagging,” which is the act of … well … snagging the fish. That’s what both Tyler Hughes and his wife did to pull in the behemoth, doing so back in early May while fishing in Yellowstone River. Snagged on their 10/0 treble hook, they managed to pull in the 131-pounder, and put their name in the history books with a new North Dakota state record — in regards to a tie, that is.


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At the end of July, I’m headed down to South Florida, so paddlefish won’t be anywhere on my target list, but blogging this story gets me amp’d to fish in the tropics.

I can see it now … “Daily Caller Sports Blogger Catches Record-Breaking Shark” (or maybe a marlin) … oh yeah, I am so game for that!