
Texas Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To Abortion Laws

Photo by SUZANNE CORDEIRO/AFP via Getty Images)

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Rebeka Zeljko Contributor
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The Texas Supreme Court unanimously ruled to uphold Texas’ abortion laws on Friday after a legal challenge questioned their constitutionality.

The case, Zurawski v. Texas, was brought forth by five women in March 2023 who claimed they were denied medically necessary abortions after the abortion restriction, known as the Texas trigger law, went into effect. The court determined the medical exceptions currently in place were broad enough and required no further clarification. (RELATED: Texas Saw Over 16,000 More Births Year After Passing Six-Week Abortion Ban)

“Texas law permits a life-saving abortion,” the court wrote in its decision. “A physician cannot be fined or disciplined for performing an abortion when the physician, exercising reasonable medical judgment, concludes (1) a pregnant woman has a life-threatening physical condition, and (2) that condition poses a risk of death or serious physical impairment unless an abortion is performed.”

“A physician who tells a patient, ‘Your life is threatened by a complication that has arisen during your pregnancy, and you may die, or there is a serious risk you will suffer substantial physical impairment unless an abortion is performed,’ and in the same breath states ‘but the law won’t allow me to provide an abortion in these circumstances’ is simply wrong in that legal assessment,” the court wrote.

Amanda Zurawski speaks during a news conference held by members of the Pro-Choice Caucus and Democratic Women’s Caucus at the U.S. Capitol (Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)

After the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case was decided by the Supreme Court in 2022, Texas expanded its abortion restrictions.

Amanda Zurawski, the plaintiff in the suit, experienced complications during her pregnancy and alleged that her doctor withheld a medically necessary abortion. The doctors involved were unclear on how and when they should act within the state’s abortion restrictions, allegedly leaving Zurawski with sepsis and future fertility risks.

The standard for medically necessary abortions was also challenged in December 2023 by a Texas woman named Kate Cox. Cox’s baby was diagnosed with trisomy 18, a chromosomal disorder that manifests itself as both a physical and intellectual disability. Cox attempted to get a court-ordered abortion, but her request was denied as it wasn’t deemed medically necessary.

As a result, Cox left Texas to obtain an abortion out of state.

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