
Jim Jordan Forced To Hammer Gavel As Eric Swalwell Names Every Country Trump Can’t Enter As Felon

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan slammed his gavel as his Democratic colleague named every country former President Donald Trump cannot enter as a felon during a Tuesday hearing with U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell accused Republicans of being in a “cult” due to their support for former President Donald Trump, who recently became a convicted felon as a result of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against him. Jordan proclaimed that Swalwell’s time had expired as Swalwell listed countries Trump cannot enter due to his felony status.

“The guy you’re supporting for president has felony convictions that prevent him from going to Argentina —” Swalwell began.

“Mr. Chairman,” a congressman interjected. “I move that the gentleman’s words be taken down.”

“Australian, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China —” Swalwell continued.

“Time,” Jordan ordered.

“Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran,” the Democrat continued.

“The time of the gentleman has expired,” Jordan said as Swalwell continued naming countries. “The chair now recognizes. The gentleman is out of order. The time has expired. (RELATED: John Kennedy Asks Merrick Garland Point-Blank Why DOJ Let Statute Of Limitations Pass ON Hunter Biden) 

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“Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa —” said Swalwell.

“The gentleman’s time has expired,” Jordan said.

“South Korea, Taiwan,” Swalwell said, leading Jordan to slam the gavel. “Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Emirates and the U.K. You might be in a cult.”

A jury found Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in relation to covering up a $130,000 payment to ensure former porn actress Stormy Daniels kept allegations of an affair undisclosed ahead of the 2016 election. The former president’s legal team is set to appeal the case, leading to the possibility of the case reaching the U.S. Supreme Court.