lloyd marcus
No, It's Not Both Sides Inciting Violence
Dr. Carson Compassionately Spoke The Truth About Black Poverty
It's Time To Say 'No' To Race Extortionists
Thank You, Bill O'Reilly
The Greatest Evil Is Denying That All Lives Matter
Enough With The Black Lives Matter Nonsense
Samuel L. Jackson Betrays Blacks Again In Georgia
Yes, I Believe Peyton Manning
Melissa Harris-Perry's war on rich white men
Obama's untouchables: Holder, Clinton, Lerner, Rice, and Sebelius
Alan Grayson should pay for his slanderous attack
It's long past time we took care of the Ft. Hood victims
For Hollywood liberals, it's identity politics uber alles
R.G. III: A runaway from the liberal plantation
Fifty years on, what would MLK say?
Finally, a conservative who isn't cowed by the race card
'Institutionalized racism' is just another excuse to fail
Why is Oprah supporting Cory Booker?
Will the real black America please stand up?