DC Trawler

Elsewhere at the Daily Caller, 3/11/10

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Barney Frank says nothing improper happened between Eric Massa and one of Frank’s staff members. At least I think that’s what he said.

Scott Brown: Dirty bird or stool pigeon?

LPGA golfer Anna Rawson seems like a good person. Also, she’s super-hot.

A list of American jihadis. It’s too long.

How rich is Carlos Slim? He can throw away a bunch of money on the New York Times and still be the richest dude on the planet.

PSAs from around the world. Me gusta el anuncio de México.

There’s more stuff going on with Eric Massa and the ethics charges and all that, but I still can’t get past “tickle parties.”

“I really think that there is a strong bias in favor of Obama among the mainstream media.” Which racist right-wing teabagger said that? The founder of Antiwar.com.

You know what should be banned from restaurants? Salt. Yeah. Hey, why not just ban food altogether? Just think of all the problems it would solve. You first, NYC.

If you’re not checking out Eye Street at every opportunity, you and I are no longer friends.

Speaking of which, have you registered with us yet? Why not? Don’t you want to get our DC Morning e-mail delivered to your e-mail thingie by way of e-mail? Suit yourself, then. I’m just trying to help you, but there’s only so much I can do. If you change your mind, just click here. Today’s DC Morning is archived here, if that’ll sway you at all. Okay, okay, fine. Forget I said anything. Sheesh.

Jim Treacher