DC Trawler

I like the thought of my left-leaning readers quivering with rage, so here's a post about Sarah Palin

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Here she is talking about Obamacare on her Facebook page (courtesy of Hot Air)

We’ve been reminded many times that elections have consequences. Yesterday we saw the consequence of voting for those who believe in “fundamentally transforming” America whether we want it or not. Yesterday they voted. In November, we get to vote. We won’t forget what we saw yesterday. Congress passed a bill while Americans said “no,” and thousands of everyday citizens even surrounded the Capitol Building to beg them not to do it. Has there ever been a more obvious exhibition of a detached and imperious government?

In the weeks to come, we can expect them to try to change the subject, but we won’t forget. Don’t let them move on to further “transformational” steps while forgetting what Congress just did against the will of the people…

And on and on like that. The usual crazy Palin stuff: “The government is too big! Fiscal responsibility! Your vote counts! Blah blah blah!” Whatever. Shut up, snowbilly!

Jim Treacher