
Hot Air Exclusive: Sharron Angle – I am not a Birther

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Earlier today, I spoke exclusively to Sharron Angle, the Republican nominee to challenge Harry Reid for the Senate seat in Nevada. In the past few days, rumors have swirled that Angle is a crypto-Birther. I asked her “flat out” whether she believed Barack Obama was born somewhere other than Hawaii, and she replied, “No. Is that flat-out enough for you?” Angle says she “wasn’t dodging” the caller on the radio show now being parsed by the media, in which she replied that the Supreme Court had already ruled on that issue, but instead wanted to talk about Obama’s political qualifications and wanted to politely redirect the conversation. Angle believes that Obama was born in Hawaii and is an American citizen, and also believes that those subjects are nothing more than a distraction that Democrats use to keep attention from their track record.

On joblessness, Angle apologized for a statement that “was too strongly worded,” regarding people who are currently drawing unemployment. Angle also challenged Reid to apologize for his remarks as well — to the troops in the field when he declared the Iraq War lost, and referred to the smell from tourists at the Capitol Hill, among others. “The real issue here is deficit spending,” Angle says, and argues that the US cannot continue to borrow money to spend on expanding these benefits. Passing an expansion of benefits for which there are no actual funds will make the situation worse.

Full story: Hot Air » Sharron Angle: I am not a Birther