
Lawsuits Prompt School District To Remove Swing Sets

Bob Dorigo Jones Senior Fellow, The Center for America
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Schools across America opened their doors last week — good news for parents, maybe not so happy news for students.

But in one West Virginia school district, the students were so upset they started a petition drive.

It wasn’t to bring back summer, though.  No, there was another reason for this petition.  They were protesting to bring swing sets back to their playgrounds.

You see, school officials there removed all swing sets because of lawsuits.  Personal injury lawyers recently forced the schools to settle two expensive lawsuits over common injuries, so to avoid more lawsuits, the swings were removed.

Let’s be fair, could we find a more troubling example of how lawsuit abuse is changing America?  Sure, you’ve heard me talk about the high cost of lawsuits.  But the real problem is the negative impact these lawsuits are having on our quality of life.   Are we really better off because of all these lawsuits?  Of course not.

Learn more about how lawsuit abuse is changing America.  Go my website at BobDorigoJones.com.

Bob Dorigo Jones, who serves as Senior Fellow for the Foundation for Fair Civil Justice, is the author of the bestselling Remove Child Before Folding, The 101 Stupidest, Silliest and Wackiest Warning Labels Ever. He is the host of a new national radio/Internet commentary, “Let’s Be Fair.”

Bob Dorigo Jones