Will space tourists be Earth polluters? Scientists sound a warning.

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Scratching an expensive itch to take a pleasure trip to the doorstep of space might come with an unintended consequence: altering the climate back on Earth.

A new study suggests that projected increases in so-called suborbital flights – including space tourism launches – will boost the amount of soot in the stratosphere, measurably changing climate. The soot comes from hybrid rocket motors, which burn a rubbery solid fuel, aided by a gas “oxidizer” as a stand-in for oxygen. By contrast, many liquid-fueled rockets burn oxygen and hydrogen, which produces a cleaner exhaust.

According to the results, temperatures in the region around the launch site would likely cool slightly as the high-altitude soot blocked some sunlight. But the soot would spread around the globe, warming the stratosphere and touching off changes in its circulation that would bring additional warming to the poles.

Full Story: Will space tourists be Earth polluters? Scientists sound a warning. – CSMonitor.com