DC Trawler

Can’t wait for tonight’s extra-special ‘Special Comment’ from Keith Olbermann?

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Then you’re in luck, because KeithOlbermann.com has it right here! Just a little taste:

A very dark cloud has fallen over America over the last 18 months if you haven’t noticed. A curtain, if you will, has descended over much of this country. Not necessarily Mr. Churchill’s Iron Curtain, but a blinding one no less.

Somehow the home of the brave and the land of the free, that was inspired by the hope that Mr. Obama ushered in on a November night two years ago, has been over taken by a rage and hate that has shaken the very firmament of this great land. Sure, these Teabaggers say they are merely protesting out-of-control spending and government growth. But there is something more insidious there. If you can’t intellectualize it, you can certainly feel it. In your bones. In the very core of your soul.

If Mr. Shakespeare doesn’t mind, let’s just say there is something rotten in the state of Denmark, err, I mean Nevada. And Delaware. And Kentucky. And Florida. And Colorado. And wherever the Tea Party flag flies.

And that’s just from the first 10 minutes! If you love America, which you probably don’t if you read this site, click here.