
Public Policy Polling: GOP electorate trending conservative

wrahn Contributor
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Yesterday we wrote about part of Mitt Romney’s problem with conservatives — they simply don’t like him nearly as much as they do any of the other top Republican candidates for President. Today we’re going to tackle the other part of Romney’s — and any other Republican perceived to be a moderate’s — problem with conservatives. They’re likely to make up a much larger share of primary voters in 2012 than they did in 2008.

Over the last six weeks we’ve polled folks who identify themselves as likely Republican voters in six states that also had an exit poll for their Republican primaries in 2008. Comparing the numbers by ideology on our recent polls with what they were for the last election makes it clear that a Republican electorate already dominated by conservatives has become even more so over the last few years.

Full story: Public Policy Polling: GOP Electorate Trending Conservative