DC Trawler

New Jersey assemblywoman blames the olds for her stupid idea

Jeff Winkler Contributor
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New Jersey Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker has too much time on her hands.

As The Daily Caller reported on Wednesday, Tucker introduced a bill that would have required anyone over 15 years old to bolt an actual license plates to their Schwinns. Apart from registration with the DMV, bike-enthusiasts would have faced $100 fines for noncompliance.

But a week after the legislation was introduced, Tucker faced a barrage of complaints and withdrew the bill. Apparently, New Jerseyans want to ride free. In a final salvo, Tucker managed to blame the whole misunderstanding on a group that — quite frankly — doesn’t get blamed enough these days.

From the Star-Ledger:

[Tucker] introduced the bill after receiving complaints from senior citizens who had been hit by kids riding bikes.

“My intention was never to impose a burden or additional costs. My goal was to at least begin a discussion of how best to protect elderly pedestrians,” said Tucker. “No idea is perfect, but … I would encourage everyone to give thought to how best we can protect elderly pedestrians and suggest solution.”