
Pawlenty–Bachmann feud continues

Alex Pappas Political Reporter
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The Tim Pawlenty–Michele Bachmann feud continues.

When Pawlenty criticized Bachmann, the Minnesota congresswoman and fellow GOP presidential candidate, Sunday for having a “non-existent” record of accomplishment in Congress, the big question was: would he do it again?

He did.

On Fox and Friends Monday morning, Pawlenty, the former governor Minnesota, said the next president needs to have executive experience getting results, “and not just talking about it, not just giving speeches at rallies, but leading as an executive and getting results in that kind of setting.”

“And with all due respect, she doesn’t have that kind of experience,” Pawlenty said about Bachmann.

“And secondly her record in Congress, as I’ve mentioned before, is again, great remarks and great speeches, but in terms of results and accomplishments, non-existent.”

Bachmann on Sunday called for Pawlenty to not focus on the negatives, citing her accomplishments as being vocal against legislation like Obamacare, cap-and-trade agenda and bailouts.

Also on Monday, Pawlenty maintained that he needs to improve from his sixth place finish in a recent Des Moines Register poll of Iowa voters at next month’s Iowa Straw Poll to stay in the race.

“I don’t think we need to win it, but I think we need to show good progress.” (MICHELE BACHMANN: What ‘constitutional conservatism’ means to me)

Pawlenty on Monday saw some improvement in a new The Iowa Republican poll, which has him in third place behind Romney and Bachmann.