DC Trawler

TheDC Morning: Weiner’s wiener points to Turner’s triumph

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1.) Weiner’s wiener points to Turner’s triumph — It’s now officially too late for the hacker who broke into Anthony Weiner’s Twitter account to step forward: Last night, Republican Bob Turner won Weiner’s vacated seat in Congress. TheDC’s Alexis Levinson reports: “Congressional Republicans are trumpeting Republican Bob Turner’s stunning victory in Tuesday’s special election in New York’s 9th Congressional District as a referendum on the President Barack Obama’s agenda and, specifically, his policies on Israel. National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions called Turner’s victory a ‘clear rebuke of President Obama’s policies’ and said that it ‘delivers a blow to Democrats’ goal of making Nancy Pelosi the Speaker again.’ Sessions continued, ‘New Yorkers put Washington Democrats on notice that voters are losing confidence in a President whose policies assault job-creators and affront Israel. An unpopular President Obama is now a liability for Democrats nationwide in a 2012 election that is a referendum on his economic policies…’ Turner upset Democrat David Weprin in the special election to replace former Congressman Anthony Weiner. The district, which covers parts of Brooklyn and Queens, is heavily Democratic; nonetheless, Turner rode a shift in momentum to victory.” Most ridiculous spin attempt of the day goes to the ever-reliable DNC chairwoman Derpy Wasserman Schultz: “It’s a very difficult district for Democrats.” (One is reminded of the legendary words of rock manager Ian Faith: “The Boston gig is cancelled… I wouldn’t worry about it, though. It’s not a big college town.”) So, does this mean Weiner is now free to have his own show on MSNBC? Please?

2.) Nevada Dems crap out — That wasn’t the evening’s only bad news for embattled Dems. Republican Mark Amodei won in Nevada, and according to Alexis Levinson, Republicans are calling it yet another referendum on the Democrats: “Late Tuesday night National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Pete Sessions painted the Republican win in the special election in Nevada’s 2nd Congressional District as a snapshot of the problems Democrats will face in 2012. ‘Democrats just saw their 2012 playbook fall apart as Nevada voters refused to buy Democrats’ Medicare scare tactics and misinformation campaigns,’ Sessions wrote in a statement. ‘This election sends Democrats another warning that Democrats up and down the ballot next year cannot escape accountability for their failed economic policies… Nevadans have handed an unpopular President Obama and his party yet another rejection message for making a bad economy worse,’ Sessions added.” Go ahead, teabaggers, smug it up all you want. But it doesn’t matter anyway because this district has been held by Republicans since it was created 30 years ago, and also HEY LOOK OVER THERE! [runs in opposite direction]

3.) Solyndragate continues — Now that “green energy” company Solyndra has collapsed after receiving $535 million in federal loans, you might think the Obama White House is deftly adapting to the bad news. You might think that if you haven’t been paying attention to the Obama White House. TheDC’s Matthew Boyle reports: “The Obama administration continues to move forward with its ‘green’ agenda, despite new concerns on the heels of a high-profile bankruptcy in the solar-energy sector. More recently, approximately 500 Texans lost their jobs Monday because of Environmental Protection Agency regulations on the energy industry. And the president has offered no specific regulatory relief, other than a single ozone regulatory proposal he nullified a few weeks ago. Former Sen. Kit Bond, a Republican from Missouri and the former ranking member of a ‘green jobs’ Senate subcommittee, told The Daily Caller he has warned the administration and the American people about the perils of agenda-driven green jobs programs before, to no avail. ‘This was a very important subject when we raised it in the spring of 2009, and again in the summer of 2010, but people didn’t really catch on,’ Bond told TheDC. ‘Now, I’m watching the regular news media; even CNBC has figured it out.’ While in the Senate, Bond authored a report just after Obama took office predicting much of what has happened with the ‘green jobs’ agenda. Promised technologies have not panned out economically, and few new U.S. jobs have resulted.” Yeah, but other than that, it’s been going great! Obama got to give a speech and pose for pictures in a sleek, futuristic-looking factory. That’s worth half a billion taxpayer dollars, isn’t it? P.S. Make no mistake, let us be clear: The White House is in this up to their eyeballs.

4.) Lib reaction to Issa: fast, furious — And for the other Major Obama Scandal News of the day, let’s go back to Matthew Boyle: “A liberal advocacy group filed an ethics complaint against House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa on Tuesday and is asking the Office of Congressional Ethics to conduct an investigation. Citing an error-ridden report about Issa published by The New York Times, as well as several articles appearing on the Center for American Progress’s ThinkProgress website, American Family Voices President Mike Lux alleges that it’s possible that Issa mixed his congressional duties with his private financial interests. The New York Times issued several corrections to its article after Issa released documentation proving that parts of it were inaccurate. Lux told The Daily Caller that AFV decided to do some of its own research because ‘the press is sometimes inaccurate.’ Even so, the complaint quotes The Times’ article and ThinkProgress as its primary sources, adding only a few other citations: the House Ethics policy, a CNN story about Issa’s net worth based on his financial disclosure forms and a document already cited by The Times… Lux worked for President Obama’s White House transition team in 2008.” Meanwhile, the people killed by one of the thousands of guns “walked over the border” during the ATF’s Fast and Furious operation are still dead. What a coincidence that this ethics complaint comes right on the heels of new evidence that the scandal reaches all the way to the White House.

5.) InformOnYourNeighborsForObama.com — If you’re an Obama supporter and you don’t like hearing bad things about him, now you can fight back. TheDC’s Matt Lewis reports: “Reminiscent of their aggressive 2008 campaign efforts (including the website FightTheSmears.com), Obama for America has launched a new site called AttackWatch.com. The goal of the website is to identify attacks on Obama — and quickly refute them in one searchable, centralized hub. ‘The smears didn’t end with the 2008 election,’ the site advises. ‘President Obama’s opponents are still using false claims against him and his record in an attempt to derail our momentum. Donate to support our campaign and help us fight back with the facts…’ Their motto is: ‘Get the facts. Fight the smears.’ Supporters are also encouraged to report attacks.” And just to clarify, a “smear” is defined as “anything that reflects badly on Obama, even if it’s true.” More and more, Obama is being compared to Nixon, but that’s not fair. Nixon didn’t have the Internet.

6.) Today’s words of wisdom from Alec Baldwin’s Truther, er, Twitter feed — “Did the NY Post just threaten to do a negative piece on someone close to me bc I outed them 4 harassing me at my home on 9-11?”

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