
Limbaugh scolds Cantor for accepting premise of ‘Occupy’ protests

Jeff Poor Media Reporter
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Rush Limbaugh admonished House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on Monday for acknowledging on “Fox News Sunday” that the Occupy Wall Street movement has some legitimate gripes.

Cantor insisted that protesters’ focus is misdirected — on Wall Street instead of on policymakers on Congress.

Limbaugh had none of that, insisting on his show Monday that accepting any part of the ‘Occupy’ message is inappropriate and hurts the Republican Party.

The radio talker upbraided Cantor for “saying the Republicans —‘Yeah, you know what? We also have problems with this income inequality stuff.’ He was on Fox News Sunday. What is it about our guys? Stare success right in the face and kick it in the face? ‘Yeah, there is a problem with income disparity. Yeah, there is too wide a gap. Yeah …’”

“Who are we trying to relate to here?” Limbaugh continued. “Whose votes are we trying to get with this? Our phrase is now — the Republican leadership phrase is, ‘We are for income mobility.’ So we’re allowing the premise to be set by these people and now we’re jumping in on it and trying to improve it — in other words tinker around the margins when what’s called for is truly radical reform, if we’re going to fix all this.”

Later in his program, Limbaugh suggested Cantor should ignore the Occupy Wall Street message — or defeat it once and for all.

“This is called ‘snatching defeat from the jaws of victory,’” Limbaugh said. “I just don’t understand it. So once again, the agenda is set by the left. They set a premise. We, instead of ignoring it or nuking it, accept it and then tinker with it. ‘Yeah, well, we have a better idea. We have a better way of doing this, solving the whole notion of income inequality.’”


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