He Sure Can Spin!

Mickey Kaus Columnist
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In a decisive Hawkeye masterstroke, Mitt Romney appears to have beaten a recently-defeated Senator from Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum, by 8 votes–though they can’t find the guy with the official records.  But really Romney was a winner any way you cut it:

Old pro-Mitt Spin: He’s “poised to” win Iowa. Glide path to nomination!

New pro-Mitt Spin: Even if Romney loses it’s a victory for him because Gingrich and Perry are finished!

Newest pro-Mitt Spin: It’s really a victory for Romney because Gingrich is going to stay in!

At some point, Team Romney’s can’t-lose overspinning is going to start really annoying the press, no? … P.S.: Think how impressive Romney’s victory would have been if you hadn’t read 20 stories over the past week on his brilliant, decisive move into Iowa. The overspin took away the impact. …

Mickey Kaus