
Gingrich: Obama campaign the ‘most methodically systematic dishonest team we’ve ever seen’ [VIDEO]

Nicholas Ballasy Senior Video Reporter
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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who made a run for president in the 2012 Republican primary, told The Daily Caller that he views the Obama campaign as the “most methodically systematic dishonest team we’ve ever seen in American politics.”

Gingrich said President Barack Obama has decided to “divide the country as viciously” as needed to beat Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

“I think what Republicans don’t get yet is the Obama team is not running the 2004 campaign, they’re not trying to turn Romney into John Kerry. They’re running the [Jennifer] Granholm campaign against Dick DeVos,” Gingrich said in an video interview with TheDC.

“They’ve decided this is a class warfare election, that they are going to divide the country as viciously and as deeply as they need to and that they are going to crowd Romney into being the defender of the rich while they defend everybody else.”

Gingrich called this a “major challenge” the Romney campaign will have to overcome.

“This is a message that is very dangerous because it is something that resonates, with a lot, particularly in the Midwest, resonates with a lot of people and Romney’s going to have to break through and I think find a trump which knocks it aside and convinces people that it’s baloney,” Gingrich told TheDC.

To counter the Obama team’s message, Gingrich said Romney has to “go straight at Obama.”

“This is only going to come down to somewhere between rage and extraordinary humor,” he said, pointing to a Wall Street Journal editorial that said the “real challenge is to find anything the Obama campaign is saying that’s truthful.”

The former Georgia congressman said Romney can beat Obama if the election is about the individual voter.

“This [the Obama campaign] is the most methodically, systematic dishonest team we’ve ever seen in American politics at the presidential level. I did a recent electronic book called, ‘No Taxation by Misrepresentation’; I just took the single case of Obamacare taxes and walk you through how methodically they have lied and it’s really breathtaking. It’s a level of brazen deliberate dishonesty we’ve not seen,” Gingrich said.

“I think partly Romney’s got to convince people that the most of these things are lies and then second, he’s got to convince people that a Romney Republican future is a better future for them, not for him, not for ideology but that you as a working American will have a better job, higher take home, lower gasoline cost, more national security under Romney than you will under Obama. If the election is about you, the individual voter, Romney will win. If the election is about a polarization between Romney and Obama, Obama could pull this off.”

Watch Gingrich discuss the Obama campaign’s attacks on Bain Capital, Romney’s tax plan, federal spending, Medicare, super PACs and more:

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