Jake Tapper takes heat for liberal media hypocrisy

Matt K. Lewis Senior Contributor
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Washington Times columnist Joseph Curl probably won’t be getting any Christmas cards from ABC News’ Jake Tapper this year.

Perhaps finding it a tad ironic that Tapper criticized the media for taking it easy on President Obama in 2008, Curl writes,

All of this comes as a tremendous shock to Jacob Paul “Jake” Tapper. The Dartmouth grad who once worked for Handgun Control Inc. and the ultra-liberal Salon magazine (is his wife a former regional field manager for Planned Parenthood Federation? Yes, yes she is) did not really know there was this “liberal bias” when authoring the mega-non-best-seller “Down and Dirty: The Plot to Steal the Presidency” (surprisingly, it was not about how Al Gore tried to steal the presidency).

No, the guy who once dated Monica Lewinsky is just beside himself over the state of D.C. media. They (those other “journalists”) are sometimes, gasp, biased. “Sometimes I saw with story selection, magazine covers, photos picked, [the] campaign narrative, that it wasn’t always the fairest coverage,” The Tap said, shocked.

Tapper is generally viewed as a very solid and respected reporter. And, in my estimation, there’s nothing wrong with having worked in politics before entering the world of journalism — or in being married to someone involved in politics.

Having said that, it is hard to imagine a reverse scenario — where someone who worked for, say, the NRA and National Review (and then married a National Right to Life employee) — could get hired as a senior White House correspondent for one of the big three networks.

(This, of course, makes perfect sense in a world where the former host of “Meet The Press” worked for a Democratic senator — and where the current host of ABC News’ “This Week” was press secretary for a Democratic president.)

This doesn’t happen for conservatives.

Matt K. Lewis