DC Trawler

Alec Baldwin explains why Obama is having some problems

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Did you know Alec Baldwin is back on Twitter? He’s quit at least twice now, and I assumed that since @alecbaldwin is now dormant, he or his handlers finally decided he’s better off not spewing out his id to the world at a moment’s notice, unfiltered.

In other words, I figured Alec Baldwin was no fun anymore.

Silly me! He’s now back on Twitter with a new screen name, @ABFalecbaldwin. (Because as every good lefty knows, if something isn’t working, all you need to do is rename it. Presto!) And he’s saying the same Alec Baldwin-y things in the same Alec Baldwin-y way. Like this absolute gem, for example:

Isn’t that great? Mayor Baldwin has figured it all out. He’s not the racist, America… you are! What, you think you’re off the hook just because you elected Obama in the first place? Nice try, you racist teabagging racist racists. BOOM.

Welcome back where you belong, Alec Baldwin: our hearts.

(Hat tip: CBS DC)