DC Trawler

The most diligently divisive president in your lifetime is: “Not Just for Some of Us”

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Remember when pledging allegiance to something was fascist mind-control? Not anymore. Not in the era of Barack Orwellbama.

One thing none of these geniuses have written on their hands: “SAFE EMBASSIES.”

Remember: Barack Obama is the president of all Americans, even the ones who don’t agree with him, as long as they agree with him.

For more, see David Harsanyi’s “A Short Visual History of the Creepy Obama Cult.” This latest example, which you can pick up for only $35 at the Obama store, is particularly revolting:

It’s bad enough on its own, but it’s even more nauseating if you’ve been paying attention to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya on 9/11:

Hint: That’s not cake frosting from the surprise party. Americans were murdered, we had three days’ warning of the attack, and then our own government tried to blame it on a private citizen’s free speech.

Damn you, Romney!

P.S. Not that pledging allegiance to their cult leader is anything new. From January 2009:

P.P.S. Courtesy of Kendra Adams:

P.P.P.S. Mike Riggs: “Once upon a time, there was a controversial political leader who asked his followers to pledge their devotion to him and his policies by making a certain hand signal…”