DC Trawler

Samuel L. Jackson elevates political discourse in America, motherf***er

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‘Twas six weeks till election, and all through the Web
Obama’s sad voters could feel their strength ebb.

Where once they were charmed by that gentleman dapper,
The Hope and the Change had all gone down the crapper.

George Soros’s son saw the wall and its writing:
“We’ve got to inspire them, we’ve got to keep fighting!

“There must be some way to shake up Barry’s masses
Or on Nov. 6, they’ll just sit on their asses.

“But how to enthuse all those grim, depressed people
And warn of the dangers of Mitt Romney’s evil?”

“I’m here to assist you, and I’ve got your back, son,”
Intoned the stern voice of one Samuel L. Jackson.

A millionaire actor reciting a rhyme?
Pretending he’s poor, so the rich he can slime?

No slur goes unmentioned, no talking point skipped,
Just pack all that crap in a four-minute script.

And using a child for political gain?
It’s as if the left has no concept of shame.

Just kidding, you wingnuts, you baggers of tea.
You must not be fans of adept irony!

The truth is so clear that you might as well face it:
If you vote for Romney, you’re just a damn racist.

Then we heard Sam exclaim as he soared out of view:
“Free stuff from Obama! Don’t like it? F*** you!”

(Hat tip: New York Post)

P.S. Earlier this year, Jackson told Ebony magazine: “I voted for Barack because he was black. ‘Cuz that’s why other folks vote for other people — because they look like them… That’s American politics, pure and simple. [Obama’s] message didn’t mean [bleep] to me. In the end, he’s a politician. I just hoped he would do some of what he said he was gonna do. I know politicians say [bleep]; they lie. ‘Cuz they want to get elected.”